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 The Return of Ashes of WWII Soldiers – A Reunification with Ancestors』


Voices of the Japanese in Response to the “Repatriation of the Ashes of WWII Veterans Movement”.

寒い日々が続きます。全国の信者の皆様お元気でしょうか? 寒い中にも日本全国から心温まるメッセージが「ミャンマー/ビルマご遺骨帰國運動」のホームページhttp://mbr-rtj.net/ に寄せられています。
The winter season is testing us with its bitter cold climate. I hope all of you are keeping well. Despite the chill, we continue to receive heartfelt warmth of messages from people who have accessed the website for “Myanmar/Burma Repatriation of Ashes Movement”.
(福島県 男性)
Upon learning the existing of this movement via press and the internet, I have decided to make my humble contribution to the cause. I hope that the movement will come to fruition and that the ashes of as many a people will finally be repatriated to Japan. (Male, Fukushima Pref.)
(宮城県 女性)
We hope you (the ashes) would make it back to Japan as soon as possible.
(Female, Miyagi Pref.)
○亡き戦友の爲に    (千葉県 男性)
This is for my deceased fellow soldiers.
(Male, Chiba Pref.) 
○かつてビルマ戦線で戦った九十四才の戦友です。お帰りなさい!! (群馬県 男性)
I fought in Burma. I am a fellow ex-soldier aged 94. Welcome home!!
(Male, Gunma Pref.)
○戦後六十八年を迎え、一刻も早い遺骨の帰国を祈ります。私も第三十一師団百二十四連隊の一員でインパール作戦に参加し、多数の戦友が戦死しています。少額ですがよろしく願います。 (福岡県 男性)
68 years have passed since the end of WWII. I wish for the return of the ashes before long. I took part in the Battle of Imphal as a member of the 24th Regiment of the 31st Division. Many members perished in the war. It’s not a lot but I would like to make a token contribution.
(Male, Fukuoka Pref.)
(新潟県 男性)
I am proud of your movement. A small contribution to your cause.
(Male, Niigata Pref.)
○一日も早く日本に帰ってこられますように。               (栃木県 女性)
I hope for your imminent return to Japan.
(Female, Tochigi Pref.)
○お世話になります。私の祖父の遺骨がミャンマー(ビルマ)に眠っています。よろしくおねがいします。  (徳島県 女性)
Thank you for your undertakings. My grandfather is thought to have perished at war in Burma. Please do take care of him.
(Female, Tokushima Pref.)
○亡くなった父がビルマに行っていました。生きていたらきっと寄付したと思います。娘の私が少しですが寄付させて頂きます。(京都府 女性)
My late father was in Burma during the war. If he were still alive he definitely would have made some donation. I, the daughter, would like to afford a small token on his behalf.
(Female, Kyoto Pref.)
○小生の兄はビルマで戦病死、遺骨は未だに帰還していません。よろしくお願いします。                 (東京都 男性)
My elder brother perished in fighting in Burma. His ashes have not yet returned. Please search for him.
(Male, Tokyo Met.)
I pen this article before the cause is publicized through a Joint Press Conference to be held in Tokyo. Therefore more such notes are expected to arrive, in particular, by the time you receive this “Dainichi-no-hikari” Newsletter from us. I would have thought that the staff at the editorial office would be screaming in joy of receiving so many messages and donations from everywhere.
Live or Let Die – the ticket that decided the fate of two people?

数年前に出会ったある佳人は、広い人脈を持ち、行動力も兼ね備えておられます。 その方が先日電話で、
I had the honor of meeting one gentleman a few years back who has a wide social network and is a master of getting things done. The man spoke to us over the phone the other day, saying;
“Now I realize why Rev. Kawahara, the chief of Renge-in, pours so much of his energy into supporting the Myanmar/Burma Repatriation of Ashes Movement”. I learned of late, from my mother, that my uncle died in war in Burma.
My uncle was given a mission to pass on some highly classified intelligence within the army. This was close to the end of WWII. He goes, “I’m single and without a family. But this junior of mine has many children. He might be lucky enough to escape death if he was the one to accept this task of being the runner for the army. Perhaps, he could simply escape from the battalion after accomplishing his mission. It’d rather be me than my report who dies!” This uncle of the person talking to me on the phone died as a result of his decision. This episode was relayed to my mother later on by the very person who took the job of being the Orderly and survived. In the box that was supposed to contain the remains of my uncle, only a single piece of paper was found. There is no doubt that my uncle is among the 45,600 bodies that have yet to be identified in Burma.
What a heartbreaking yet remarkable an episode this is.
My eyes swell in tears upon hearing him speak on the phone.
Many thoughts entered my mind; what sort of an agony might he have had to endure in making such a decision of self sacrifice, knowing that he did this for the benefit of a fellow whose wife and children, unlike himself, awaited for his return back home in Japan? To give such a ticket for survival to a junior in command, what sort of a decision was that? How does it feel when you make a decision of to this effect amidst a state of play that could easily have torn your soul apart?
OKAGESAMA - The sense of Dues and Owes

He carried on and said this. “It is as if my uncle, his soul, had guided me to you, Rev. Kawahara. Fate is magical. It seems that our ancestors and spirits can cause us to act without us being aware of their Will.”
I am convinced many of you reading this would have come across situations where you have noticed some magical powers at play in your day to day encounters.
“En”, or fate, are both visible and yet they aren’t. Those that aren’t do contain the Will or Fate played out by our forbearers. We were designed to meet certain people, designated to help one another, and made to value one another in reciprocation. This, I believe, does exist. For sure it does.
When I speak like this, some think it is a cult like attitude on my part.
If you do happen to think so, then you might want to be reminded of such phrases, say, as “OKAGESAMA” (which is a frequently used idiom in the Japanese language to convey one’s appreciation for another’s act in your favour), or “Even a brief rubbing of one another’s sleeves of clothing can be considered a mark of a relationship in one’s past/future life.”
If you digest the meanings that are inherent in such phrases, you would now begin to understand better the reasons for our ancestors weaving of these idioms.
Here in Kumamoto, people use this local term “NOSARU” (vb.) or “NOSARI” (n.) (which in its broadest sense translates as “to get”). For instance, they might say “that family NOSARU (got) a physically disabled person”, or “I feel so happy I NOSATTA (received) a nice souvenir today.”
By the way, NOSARU in the context of gifting, the recipient of the action of NOSARU uses the term to thank the action by “the thing” which bestowed him/her with the present. That is why “OKAGESAMA” – which literally means “an honorable shadow “, or a “God only knows someone up there” – this phrase is used despite that “shadow” of a subject does not refer to any tangible object or a “thing”.
Contained in the phrase “OKAGESAMA” we, the Japanese, harbor the admiration for a work of a power that assists us or causes us to pause for thought, which is beyond our imagination.
(to be continued)

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